
20 picks for your Spring wardrobe

I really love spring/summer even though I hate transitional outfits, ever changing weather and my hay fever coming out in full force. It's just such a nice feeling seeing the sun more often, being able to spend more time outside in the evening and beer gardens are coming back 😍😎 Here are my 20 picks from the shops which will get you right through this...

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jameela jamil

The Good Place Season 2 Review

The Good Place finished season 2 a couple of months ago and I've finally came round to writing my review! I really enjoyed the first season and it completely blew me away (you can read my full review here). The second season of the Good Place is really great. I like second seasons because its where the show can really get going, you already...

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10 people who have to follow on Instagram

I have such a love/hate relationship with instagram, and towards the end of last year I took some steps to improve my state of mind towards it. I unfollowed some, I followed more of those whose photos I really appreciate and interest me and I've taken a step back from feeling the need to post just because I haven't in a day or two. ...

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american psycho

Netflix Picks for April 2018

Can you believe we are in April already? It feels like a never ending winter at the moment but I'm excited to hopefully see some signs of Spring! With that being said, April showers might be more often than sunshine, so here are my picks out of the new additions to Netflix this month. The Blues Brothers Pretty shocking that I've never actually...

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Reasons why I'll unfollow you

In the blogging community it's all about support, motivation for each other and sometimes pretending to be someone else's best friend for 5 minutes so you'll hopefully get a follow back. However sometimes you just need to have a little spring clean of who you are following, and please let me make this clear, it's not personal. Here are the honest reasons why I'll...

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