
Christmas Tag 2013.


Picture is from here.

This seems such a great tag as I haven't done any before! Here I go...

1.  Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or synthetic?
I don't really mind, as I've always had synthetic. Last year we didn't even have a tree! Hopefully this year we will just get a mini one, or I might put a mini one up in my room to make it more festive.

2.  You're in a coffee shop, it's December, what do you pick?
I usually go for a vanilla latte as I loved it last time I had it, however I really like the chocolate orange that Costa is currently doing.

3.  Whats your favourite colour scheme for decorating the tree?
I like it to be simplistic and not over the top. I quite like white & gold, or just gold. I think that silver can be a little cold looking so tend to usually just for gold. When I was little it was a mismatch tree of things I had made in school, or just big baubles. 

4.  Giving or receiving?
As a child I was present mad, however now I really do love giving more. It's just really nice to see people genuinely surprised and happy about their gift. Plus I like the whole going out and getting it, and wrapping it up nicely.

5.  To mince pie or not to?
I'm not entirely sure I've ever even tried one, but I really don't like the sound/look of them.

6.  What's your traditional Sunday lunch?
We don't usually go for turkey as I'm not a huge fan, it's usually a bit dry and just not that nice. I really like duck though and it's a rare that we have duck usually, so it'd probably be that. Plus pigs in blankets are my favourite thing on earth, I could eat plates full of just those! 

7.  Christmas day fashion
Pajamas until I have to go out anywhere, then it's usually a dress and tights. I like to keep it quite casual on Christmas day and comfy wear. 

8.  What's your favourite Christmas song?
Fairytale of New York - The Pogues or Bon Jovi's song.

9.  What's your favourite Christmas film?
I think it's easily Elf. Will Ferrel is a genius in it and so hilarious.

10.  Open presents before or after lunch?
I usually open them before breakfast!

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  1. Haha this was such a fun read! I always open my presents before breakfast too, i just can't wait to see what I've got!

    Sharlotte xxx

    1. Thank you! Yeah, I don't like to wait at all.

  2. What a great tag i'm going to steal it :):)
    I like your blog :)

    http://itschristiefriday.blogspot.co.uk/ Subscribe to win a Lush Christmas gift set

  3. i love this tag and i'm sure i'll do it anytime soon.


  4. Great tag. I love giving too - I find it really awkward when I get a present and I don't know how to react!

    Corinne x

    1. I'm worse when watching other people open the presents I've given them, I don't know what face to pull or what to say! x

  5. Love reading Christmas tags! :) thanks for posting this! :)




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