Feeding the otters at Twycross Zoo | LIFESTYLE
My birthday was just under a month ago now, and I still can't believe it happened. My boyfriend surprised me on the morning to say we were going Twycross Zoo, and we get to go in and feed the otters!
Otters are one of my favourite animals, they are incredibly cute and so sweet. I really fell in love with them in Chicago when they were doing training in the water, but I just love hearing things about them such as how they hold hands when they sleep so they don't lose each other by drifting away!!
Twycross Zoo is quite local to us as its only 20 minutes away, however I hadn't been since I was at school. It's a great zoo anyway, it has lots of activities to do and features plenty of animals including their new baby gorilla, which was adorable.
We weren't allowed to take photos while feeding the otters, because you can't take any belongings in as you are handling raw meat and don't have time to take pictures! They were incredibly sweet to feed though, however they shriek when they are hungry and it sounds like the plant from harry potter! We had to throw the food around their enclosure as they can be quite lazy, so they have to work for it.
I absolutely loved the experience and we got certificates and a toy otter afterwards! They also have the option to feed the giraffes, meerkats or penguins so if you love animals and want something different with your zoo experience, I'd highly recommend. I also made a little video of the day which is on my youtube channel.
Whats your favourite animal?