Things I've learnt after one year of living with my partner | LIFESTYLE



The last week of April marked one year since my boyfriend and I moved in together. I can't quite believe how quickly it's flew by, and we've actually managed really well with little arguments. Our relationship is definitely stronger since moving in and I can't imagine life any other way. Below are 10 things I've learnt since moving in, and things you might learn too.

1. You'll share chores automatically
When I first imagined moving in, I thought I would be up early each Saturday morning to clean the house like a top girlfriend. However sadly that idea was just an idea. Instead, we tend to automatically do certain chores that the other won't. For example, I'm more of the money person and sort out all the direct debits, and I also cook each night. Danny however will wash up, mow the lawn and take the bins out.

2. Food shopping is expensive
I never really realised how expensive food shopping was before and I can't believe some of the things I was spending money on. The main issue here is that I'm a bit of a brand snob, so I don't like shopping at Aldi or Lidl because I know what brands I like and use. Usually I check whats on offer and we meal plan as well which really helps.

3. Your home will never be complete
I'm still waiting on the gallery wall to go up behind the sofa. The issue is we haven't bought frames yet because other things have just gotten in the way and it's slipped down the to do list. Our spare room is still just a messy area with things that don't have a home yet. Basically, your home will take a long time before it looks good enough for Pinterest.

4. You have no time to yourself
It's funny the amount of personal time I used to have. Danny works some weekends so I do still get this opportunity, however 90% of the time we are together. It's wonderful and I absolutely love it, however I also secretly love when he's working nights and I can slob about.

5. You'll have an on going TV list
I have about 3 things that I watch by myself, Girls, Love and Orange is the new black. Everything else we watch together, which is great because we can turn the lights off, light a candle and get cosy however it also means we have so many shows waiting to be watched while we stick to watching 2 shows at a time to finish them off. Currently on our list is Mad Men, Stranger Things, The Killing and about 20 other recently added on Netflix.

Do you live with your partner? What something you've learnt?

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