Things to do over Easter weekend | LIFESTYLE
It's Easter coming up this weekend and while I'm not religious for celebrate the real reasons, I absolutely love a 4 day weekend and I've got so many plans. Below are 10 things you can do over Easter weekend.
1. Spring Clean - I'm making sure I get on with this on Good Friday as it's well over due.
2. Go for a long walk - even better if you have a dog!
3. Meet up with friends & family
4. Visit a new local city you've never been to before
5. Make a picnic and either enjoy outside or in your home if the weather is bad
6. Mow the lawn
7. Buy some new home decor for Spring/Summer
8. Look for a local Easter egg hunt and join in
9. Enjoy a cider in a beer garden
10. Start a new TV Show - my LOVE season two review is up on Friday!
What are your plans?