It's okay to take a break


As you have probably noticed, this blog has been rather inactive the past few weeks. It's not that I haven't had the time, or more depressed than lately but rather I was stressed and the stress was getting on top of me and I didn't know how to control it properly. Usually I can be ok with stress, and I like working to deadlines and being under pressure. But when there is stress at home and work, it's important to think that you shouldn't be made to feel stressed or down, and you are allowed a break once in a while. Here are some tips I have for relaxing when you need to take a break.

Relax with Yoga
Yoga is one exercise than can be extremely helpful when stressed because it lets you concentrate on your breathing and posture which distracts you from other things going on in your life. There are some great yoga youtube videos for beginners or more advanced, and I like doing yoga for about 30 minutes when I'm feeling stressed and need to take a break.

Something that a lot of people might not realise or take into account, a decent amount of sleep is vital for relaxing and feeling better mentally. If you are working hard, staying up late or pulling all nighters to finish a project does not help as your mind isn't up to scratch and you'll end up making more mistakes than if you took a break and started again. There are some great apps to track your sleep cycle and you can also check out some apps which notify you when you should take a break while working on a task.

Sometimes talking can help a task massively. If it helps, go out for a coffee with some friends and talk about what you are going through, as most of the time they will offer help or advice to get some weight off your shoulders.

I am going to get back into blogging more within the next week or so, thank you for bearing with me in this time. I really appreciate it.

What are your tips for when you are stressed out?

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