2014: The Review


Last year I did a post called 2013 - The Review where I basically gave a brief description of what happened in that month, what I enjoyed most e.t.c. I really enjoyed writing it and decided that I wanted to do it again this year. 

Being honest, this year has been pretty rough on me. I've been battling my depression a lot, being jobless didn't help in the slightest and in fact made it worse. I was broke for about 80% of the year, so that made going out and doing anything fun impossible. I've lost friends yet gained some new ones and I can only really thank my family for sticking by me (even though they have too) and my boyfriend who has helped me mentally so much and I have everything to owe him for this year. Without him I don't know where I'd be.

January started off in a club, where I saw the new year in with my friends and my boyfriend. It was a really good night and I can't wait to spend it with my boyfriend again. I also finished my temporary job and started looking for new ones, and started volunteering at the NSPCC.

Probably my favourite month this year, my boyfriend and I had our 1 year anniversary. We spent it in London and it was so sweet and romantic. I absolutely loved it, it was fancy and cold yet just really nice to have a few days away with him. We went to Harry Potter world on the anniversary day, and also stayed over Valentine's where we had champagne and chocolates on the London Eye and then went to a very fancy restaurant at night. It was one of the happiest times I've felt all year.

Didn't really do much. Spent a lot of my time job searching, joined the job center which completely ruined my self esteem and made my depression worse, and just spent the whole month inside saving my money.

According to facebook I went out a couple of nights with my friends and boyfriend, which was exciting. Had my hair done and felt like a beast because I did a really awesome green smokey eye. Also How I met your mother ended and it was an awful, awful finale.

Went Dublin for my 20th birthday with my boyfriend. It was a really, really nice weekend and so good to get away when you feel like utter crap. It was nice to discover new sights, drink a lot of cider and just chill out with my boyfriend. I really enjoyed myself this weekend. Also went Alton Towers with my boyfriend and he won me a giant toy dog which was awesome and extremely fun to carry back on three trains. Also went to see McBusted with my best friend which was awesome and a great Christmas present from my boyfriend. Was so nostalgic and fun.

As far as I am aware, nothing really happened.

Went to see Wicked in Birmingham for the second time with my boyfriend. It's nice to get away for a couple of days and it was really refreshing compared to everything that was going on mentally for me.

Finally was offered a job after months of trying, and started work. Tried to work pretty much as often as possible to try and build some money up.

Work, work, work! It was my mums birthday at the start of the month so we went out, but didn't have many other events this month.

Nothing happened.

A couple of nights out with just my boyfriend and I which I honestly enjoyed more than ever. It was really sweet just going out together and enjoying each others company and dancing. Other than that, work!

Not a huge amount of stuff happened in the first half of the month, but it was my boyfriends birthday on the 21st and we went to the pub for the night with friends. It was a really good catch up and he enjoyed all of his presents. Christmas was great however working in retail kinda sucks over the sales season!

So yeah, 2014 wasn't the year for me, but it's definitely starting to pick up and I have lots of plans to make 2015 a whole lot better. I'm happy to end the year by saying a big goodbye to 2014 and bring in the new year with my boyfriend who has been a massive help to me this past year. I couldn't have done it without him.

Happy new year!

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