face of the day

FOTD: #15

Please excuse me for not being very smiley in the photograph, I don't know why I wasn't! Last Tuesday I went to see McBusted, who were amazing and the nostalgia and feelings brought back were just wonderful.  I usually keep my make up very simple for concerts, as it's dark and no one is really fussed, too focused on the band! So I...

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Dublin: Day 4

If you read Friday's post from Day 3, you will know that we didn't do the jail and decided to wait. Well we went bright and early on our last day and were able to walk straight through for the guided tour. Kilmainham Gaol is situated a little out of the Dublin city centre, and was prison for many of the political leaders...

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Dublin: Day 3

After a late night from my birthday we accidentally overslept a bit! So with a late breakfast down us, we decided to get a hop on/off bus tour as it seemed the easiest way to get to everywhere.  We originally wanted to check out Kilmainham Gaol but arrived 1 o'clock sort of time and the queues were long as it's a guided tour....

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Dublin: Day 2

This photograph makes me laugh because it completely describes the weather. Day 2 was my birthday, and to celebrate we went to Howth which is a seaside town close to Dublin, which you can access on the DART train.  Howth is a small town on the sea, with two piers, a lighthouse and lots of different fish restaurants. You can also get a...

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Dublin: Day 1

For my 20th birthday my boyfriend and I went to Dublin for a long weekend. We had never been to Ireland before, both were interested in the city and basically just wanted a small getaway!  We had a really early flight (6:30am) but got into Dublin at half 7. With a full day ahead of us, and luckily being able to check in...

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Product Review: Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation

Although being on the market for quite some time, I never really bothered looking at Revlon's nearly naked range. I love the Revlon colour stay foundation and was happy with that, and sticking to it.  However, recently I went in to buy a couple of the matte balms, and the old 3 for 2 was staring me in the face. So I caved,...

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FOTD: #14

Happy friday everyone! Today is actually my birthday, and I'm turning 20! I'm currently in Dublin for a long birthday weekend, so this FOTD is from last week however it's most likely the same thing I'll be wearing today! You can look out for a few Dublin posts when I get back. On my lips is Mac's Ruby Woo. I have a love/hate...

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The Big One: Prom

Prom is a wonderfully, stressful time of glitter, dresses, bobby pins and celebrations. I went to my prom in high school and remember crying because the strapless bra I was meant to wear didn't stick like it said it would. (After my mum went in a week later, we got our money back and the sales assistant completely understood). I didn't go to...

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Bad neighbours

Bad Neighbours Review | FILM

Yesterday my boyfriend and I saw this film on a bit of a whim, as there was nothing else really out apart from Spider Man 2 and we had already seen that. Plus, he knows I love comedy and am a huge Seth Rogen fan...but who doesn't love Seth Rogen? Bad Neighbours is about two groups of people. One is the new family...

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Kate Moss for Topshop - My Picks

Kate Moss is back again to collaborate with Topshop. I watched a bit of the launch the other night and found it fun to watch, and although I'm not the biggest Kate Moss fan, I do think Topshop and kate are a match made in heaven.  After looking through the website yesterday morning, I decided to do a special little post (you don't...

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