I was recently tagged by the lovely Sarah to do the Top Ten tag, and discuss to you my top ten beauty things! Honestly, I found this quite hard because I don't have that much make up, which sounds crazy as you'd think that'd make it easier, but in some of the categories I only have a couple of things anyway! I'm tempted to...
This weekend my boyfriend and I went to the cinema to see the film Pride. He told me not to look at anything about it, or watch any trailers but that it's got 97% on rotten tomatoes. I went in not knowing anything about this film. The film is based on the true story of the miner's strike during Thatchers' time as Prime Minister, and...
So it's been a while since I've done a FOTD. Honestly, it's because I haven't changed my make up that much. I know I never really do, and this probably looks no different but I've been a fan of cream eyeshadows a lot more lately. In this picture I used a maybelline colour tattoo in shade pink gold, which can be applied with the fingers...
image from http://www.makeup-pixi3.com I always love doing tags like this and have done a couple before, and seeing as we are quickly coming into Autumn I thought I'd do this. I got this from makeupsavvy.co.uk and it was created by makeup-pixi3.com. Lets get started! Ok we're talking coffee's - what's your favourite seasonal drink from Starbucks/Costa/Cafe Nero etc? I usually always go to Costa for my coffee's,...
What If is a movie about friendship. At a party, Wallace meets Chantry and they chat to each other most of the night. After walking her home, he finds out she has a boyfriend but they both want to become friends. However, their other friends see the chemistry and are sure that more is bound to happen. I think this movie was really...
This week's netflix pick of the week is a movie I've wanted to watch for a while, but missed it in cinemas and only just really got round to watching it. Celeste and Jesse Forever is a movie starring Rashida Jones and Andy Samberg, who fall in love young, get married and then divorced, but still want to be friends and are working...
If there is one thing I hate, it's cleaning my make up brushes. I think it's every beauty lovers nightmare. It's just so boring, long and yet so needed. In a perfect world I'd be washing my brushes every weekend, with a spot clean spray in between. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Being honest and gross, it's probably been about a month since...
I haven’t talked about very personal matters on my blog before, but recently I have been using the website helpstopme.com, which allows you to complete online therapy on depression, helping someone with depression and anxiety. I don’t want to go into the huge back story of where my depression started or how it came about, but the short story is I didn’t recognise...