Alfred Hitchcock

Netflix Pick: Bates Motel

You may or may not have noticed that my blog has been slacking on Friday posts. Well, that's because before hand I was trying to keep them to face of the days, but in all honesty I haven't been wearing make up that often to give my skin a break, and when I do it's just winged eyes and the usual. So, I've decided...

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Lucy Movie Review | FILM

On bank holiday Sunday my boyfriend and I went to see Lucy. It was a spur of the moment type thing and I had seen a couple of trailers, but didn't know too much about it. From the trailers I thought it would be very similar to Limitless, starring Bradley Cooper. It is similar, in some aspects. Limitless is about a struggling writer...

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highcross leicester

What I'd Wear: Urban Outfitters Opening

So I've been a fan of Urban Outfitters for quite a few years. I love their store for gifts at Christmas, accessories and gorgeous dresses/outfits which look unique compared to other stores.  Finally, after years of travelling up to Nottingham and down to Birmingham, Urban Outfitters is coming to my home town of Leicester! I think this is great as Leicester is vibrant,...

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The Empty Product Review: L'oreal Ever Pure shampoo

Recently, I used up another product! Sadly, I can never manage to finish a shampoo and conditioner at the same time, but this is the L'oreal ever pure shampoo, for smoothing. Last time I bought the volumizing and it was ok, but just not right for my hair, so I decided to switch. As you can see, this shampoo doesn't contain any sulphates,...

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The Updated Bag Wishlist

In one of my first posts here, I made a haul in which I bought a bag from Topshop. Over a year later and I'm still with said bag. It's really nice, and still y'know...works but I am definitely in order of a new bag.  Usually I don't really like looking at bags online, because I can't judge size and how big it is...

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balance me

Empty Product Review: Balance Me Moisture-rich face cream

A few months ago, I bought a magazine and it came with a sample of this balance me face cream. I thought, why not give it a try because 1. I'm still looking out for my holy grail moisturiser and 2. I'm a sample whore and just can't get enough of them. I hadn't heard of the brand balance me before, but was intrigued...

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The Liebster award: Take 2!

I have been nominated again for a Liebster award, and I think it's a great way of promoting new/upcoming bloggers that I decided to give it another go, plus it's different questions every time so it's exciting! You can see my last one here. So, this time I was nominated by Sarah over at beautypadawan. The rules are: - You must link back to...

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bradley cooper

Guardians of the Galaxy Review | FILM

Last week I went to Birmingham and saw Guardians of the Galaxy on the giant screen in the ThinkTank. It's a slightly curved screen, and is 72 foot wide so it definitely made it more of an experience, and I would definitely recommend it for films such as this. I also saw it in 3D. From the opening scene, you can tell this film...

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