Last week saw the release of the fifty shades of grey trailer, and it was filled with slowed down, sexy Beyonce, a glance of Mr Grey and also the red room. Set to be released on valentine's day 2015, I thought I'd let you in to my views on the movie, the book and my doubts.
Firstly, I'm not going to mention the book too much. You can read so many interesting and amazing articles on why the book is so terrible, which will tell you better than I can. I've only read the first book, and didn't enjoy it.
The upcoming movie however, is something I'd like to comment on. Just to warn everyone really, that I'm 99% sure it's going to be disappointing for all those waiting patiently for it. Want to know why I think that? Here are two reasons.
1. It's a public experience
Firstly, when you want to watch something like this, it's so much better on your own. For example, when the book came out, people were reading it and giggling together about different parts of the book, but no one was reading it out loud to a group of 50 people. It's going to be an awkward experience in cinema and made even more awkward by the amount of boyfriends/partners that have been dragged in to sit and watch on valentine's day.
2. It's not going to show anything
Depending on the rating, which should at least be an R rating, we aren't going to see anything. Just like in the trailer, it'll be just 'teasing' of shots above the chest, noises and eye glances. The introduction to the 'red room' will be the naughtiest thing in the movie, and the sex won't be any different than what is already in cinema's.
These are my biggest reasons why I think the movie will be awful. I'd lastly like to guide you in the direction of a movie called Secretary, starring James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal. A lot of articles are mentioning this at the moment, I gave it a watch and enjoyed it, and think you might too.
Are you excited for the 50 shades movie? What do you think?