
My Thoughts: Fifty Shades of Grey movie

Last week saw the release of the fifty shades of grey trailer, and it was filled with slowed down, sexy Beyonce, a glance of Mr Grey and also the red room. Set to be released on valentine's day 2015, I thought I'd let you in to my views on the movie, the book and my doubts. Firstly, I'm not going to mention the...

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face of the day

FOTD: #17

Sorry about the quality of the photos this week, but I was in a rush and just didn't really have time to get out the big camera. This FOTD is from last week when I went to the pub with my boyfriend. I hadn't used Revlon colour stay's foundation in forever so used it and oh my gosh have I fallen back in love...

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The small plug: Depop

Small post today as I've been quite busy yesterday to properly plan a post. Apologies but at least I'm honest! ;) Recently I made a depop account, as I'm currently looking for a job so need the extra money, and plus I can always do with getting rid of some more stuff to create space and help when I move out. At the minute,...

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How to create/organise your recipe book!

So for over the past years, I've collected quite a long list of recipes from online sites, blogs and forums that I've added to a bookmark folder. I think it's a great idea to just save it then and there, so you don't forget which website you found it on...however when you actually begin to cook it just doesn't work, laptops are too big...

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face of the day

FOTD: #16

Today's FOTD comes with a little apology. Recently my blog has been a little slow on the posting front, and while I don't have excuses, my main reasons has just been a lack of inspiration.  It's difficult to write a blog without having that much money to spend on hauls and products to test out and review. Ideally, that would be something I'd...

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Clint Eastwood

Jersey Boys Movie Review | FILM

Directed by Clint Eastwood, Jersey Boys tells the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, how they began, how they became the four seasons and the lows too. I've never seen this musical live but always wanted too, so I'm glad it was brought to screen by Clint Eastwood. His directing is very good, and you will notice the colours in the...

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