
The Big One: Festival Edit

Festivals are a crazy, exciting time and over the past few years have become more and more fashionable. I've never actually been to a festival, I was going to Download this year however not anymore, but one year I will take the plunge! I have however taken the time to do some research and find a few affordable looks, make up and outfits...

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andrew garfield

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Review | FILM

Apologies for the lack of blogging last week however I wasn't feel too good mentally and wasn't up for posting. I'm not sure about getting too into it so that's all I will say for now and move on.  So, last week I went to see The Amazing Spider-Man 2. I saw the first one when it was released and really enjoyed it,...

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face of the day

FOTD - #13

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Good Friday so far! I am not up to very much today, just probably going for a drink seeing as the weather is looking nice.  Today's FOTD is from last Tuesday, and seeing as the weather was sunny I wanted to be quite bright and used my Revlon Berry couture lipstick to add a pop of...

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Wishlist: Topshop Make Up

When I'm bored I usually find myself browsing through ASOS and boohoo adding things to a make believe basket in which I could get anything I wanted. In this instance though, I was browsing through Topshop make up and decided I'd share with you my wishlist.  I've only ever bought a couple of items from topshop's make up range. I have two nail...

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FOTD - #12

Today's FOTD comes from last saturday, when I went on a birthday night out. I wanted to experiment with a smokey eye and go out of my neutral/purple/gold boundary. I really love how the eyes turned out and would definitely use this colour in the future. Below is my product list. Face: MAC studio fix foundation in NW10 Collection lasting perfection concealer in...

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Video: Evening Look GRWM

Hey everyone. There's a bit of exciting news today (for me, at least) in that I uploaded a youtube video. It's a quick video (just over 2 mins) so I'd really appreciate it if you could give it a quick watch.The look is an evening date night. I did a darker eye than usual (it's probably not really that dark) and used 2...

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Product Review: Bleach London Total Bleach Kit

A few months ago I bought the total bleach kit from boots, after having an ok experience with their semi-permanent colour and not being able to go to have my hair done professionally every 8 weeks or so. The kit includes 2 sachets of bleaching powder, a small bottle of developing lotion, gloves, a small bowl and a mask to use after you've...

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FOTD: #11

Happy friday everyone! Today's FOTD comes from last saturday, when I smoked up the eyes a little bit and kept the lips nude. Unfortunately this is the only photo I have, however I really liked the look so will probably be doing it again in the future. Products: Face: Max Factor CC Cream Collection lasting perfection concealer in 1 Fair Hoola bronzer by...

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Movie review: The Muppets Most Wanted

First off, I want to apologise for my lack of posts recently. I've been very busy and away from the computer and just not really had time to sit down and write anything. This should resume normally from now though! Thank you for sticking with me. Another note, is that I'm a huge muppets fan. I was so incredibly happy when Jason Segel...

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