
FOTD - #7

Apologies for the photo quality, but I didn't have any natural night. Unlike what it looks like, I'm only going to the pub with my boyfriend and some friends, but I had too much time on my hands.Products used:Max Factor CC cream (I promise I do have another foundation, it's just all my others are too dark at the moment)Collection Lasting perfection concealerHoola...

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bold eyes

Inspiration #3: Date Night Part 2

My first date night inspiration was for day dates, something like cinema with possible lunch/early dinner after, picnic, pub after a walk e.t.c. However this post is more for night and evening dates, for something where you might want more of a full face. For me, this is more about the eyes. Light foundation, maybe no blush but a bold smokey eye. My...

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new addition

The New Addition: Purse

My old purse was a small, yellow purse from Monsoon. I had it for over a year but for the past couple of months it had been slowly breaking, and had got to the point where my cards would fall through their section and the colour had lost it's spark. Overall, I needed a new purse before I lost any of my cards...

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The ultimate valentine's gift for him

Images taken from the watch gallery My boyfriend is classic when it comes to style. He likes to look smart and does have very good taste, I really enjoy shopping with him as he has a keen eye as to what suits himself and even myself! However, if money was no option I'd definitely treat him to the ultimate male accessory this valentine's...

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face of the day

FOTD - #6

Apologies for no post yesterday, but I wasn't feel well and didnt do any make up. I'm still not feeling 100% but I am going out today.Products: Mac Factor CC creamRevlon colourstay concealerNaked 2 palette in foxy on the lid and tease in the crease. Revlon eyelinerBlackout over the topRevlon cream blush in whippedRevlon lip butter in juicy papaya (my lips are sore at the...

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bold lip

Inspiration #2: Date Night

I guess this post should really be called 'date day' but that doesn't sound quite right. This weeks inspiration is all about dates with the boyfriend or love interest, but where you don't really need to dress up very much. For example, maybe a cinema trip with lunch after, a picnic in the park or day out in the city. All of these...

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The Wolf of Wall Street - Movie Review

Apologies for the schedule mix up this week, but I'll instead also be posting thursday, friday and sunday this week. Regular posts will be next week! I just didn't see this film until Monday and I like to think about it instead of a review straight away. The Wolf of Wall Street is based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, and his...

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face of the day

FOTD - #5

Today's FOTD actually comes from Monday. I went out to see my boyfriend for lunch and haven't actually worn much make up since as I haven't been out and about a lot. I didn't have much time so didn't get to contour/blush as I had to catch the bus! Products used: Max Factor CC Cream in Fair Unnamed brown eyeliner (for eyebrows) Eyes: 'Habit'...

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Golden Globes - My top 10 best dressed

Instead of doing worst and best dressed, I thought I'd just keep it positive and go with the best dressed. Mainly because I feel bad saying worst dressed, but I also feel it's their choice and I usually don't agree with everyone's decisions on bad dresses as for example I hate velvet, so am more likely to say a velvet dress is bad...

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Golden Globes - My thoughts

So I haven't seen the actual episode yet, but will be watching it later...however this week I wanted to feature the golden globes as it's the beginning of my favourite season, the awards season! I will also be watching the golden globes tonight so might re-edit this post, so take a look back on Wednesday for the more red carpet type post. I...

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FOTD - #4

From now on Friday's on my blog will be either a FOTD, outfit or nail look. This is the first one, and I didn't take it today but instead on Tuesday. My jumper is from Topshop and unfortunately I had to take the hat off before I went out, as it just was so windy. Sigh! I'm hoping to get more into wearing...

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Inspiration #1: Dark Lips

This is the start of my weekly Wednesday posts, which will be all about inspiration either beauty wise or just quotes, sometimes people I'm inspired by and sometimes wish lists.This week is dark lips. I'm scared of dark lips, my lips aren't even on the top and I think they are rather small. I've only really started wearing red lipstick however one day...

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american hustle

American Hustle - Movie Review

American Hustle is a con film about Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) and Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) who get found out by FBI agent Richie DiMaso. In order for them to be let free of their crime, they must work with him in order to bring down other con artists, however they get too far into the game and the mafia start to get involved....

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2013 in a Jar.

At the beginning of 2013 I saw a tumblr post with the idea to put things that made me happy, no matter how big or small into a jar. Then on new years eve, open it and look back and remember them. I really wanted to give it a go and am really pleased I did. In all honesty, at times I forgot...

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FOTD - #3

Turns out after I had one drink I forgot to take a picture of my finished look! So sorry for the phone quality photos. This look is from New Year's Eve. My eyes is a mixture of different colours from the Vice 2 palette, and on my lips is my trusty MAC Ruby Woo. I am trying to add more of a schedule...

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