Picture is from here. This seems such a great tag as I haven't done any before! Here I go... 1. Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or synthetic? I don't really mind, as I've always had synthetic. Last year we didn't even have a tree! Hopefully this year we will just get a mini one, or I might put a mini one...
Today I had a job interview at Boots. (Which I got! Super happy about). It's basically my everyday look however I went for something much more simple on the eye and less on the lips. Products used: Bourjois healthy mix serum foundation, Maybelline brow pencil in dark blonde and a brown eye pencil from Barbara Daly (Don't know the shade), Maybelline Colour tattoo...
Don Jon is a movie about Jon, a Jersey guy who loves his family, his apartment, his church, and his porn. With his addiction to porn, he finds real girls/sex unsatisfying and begins his search to find a better sex life and love life. First off, I may be a little biased as I find Joseph Gordon-Levitt the hottest thing since the centre...
It's the film everyone has been talking about. The film that needs to be seen in 3D, and is a complete experience. Overall, Gravity is an amazing film. It's gorgeous, to the point where you can't tell what is CGI and you believe it's actually filmed in space. The visual effects are stunning, and if it doesn't win any if not all the...
Apologies for the lazy post today, however I am currently suffering with a sore throat, cold and ear infection so not in the best of moods. One thing that always gets me through A/W is tights. I don't like the thought of having to wear trousers throughout the whole of winter, as I love my skirts and dresses too much. Obviously, you can't...